Saturday, December 31, 2011




Tuesday, December 20, 2011






Saturday, December 17, 2011


我真的好开心,你会答应与我们一起去看半夜场,当天我很兴奋很期待,也很害怕你会失约,哈哈!当然,到最后你还是出现了,不知为什么见到你就很开心 :)



凌晨三点钟了,你陪我上去我家,在残旧的电梯里,你对我说了一句:“一个女孩就不要那么夜回了” 我听了顿时感到很温暖,回答一句“哦”,心里其实非常高兴,到底你是真的关心,还是随便说两句呢?无论如何,我会把它当作是前者,谢谢你送我上去哦!


Sunday, December 11, 2011



Saturday, December 10, 2011




你还post了两个link from Youtube,大马站第一天的〈张学友1/2世纪演唱会〉part,也是你去的那天,我打开来听,其中一个竟然是〈李香兰〉的那part,突然间我非常地开心,因为我才跟你说起这首歌,你回去上班后就马上post了。这是无意还是有意呢?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pray to The God

Sobbing while praying to The God, Please please please, stop the wind, it's makes things damaging, it may hurts human being... Alone at home, hide at the corner, feel scaring, seeing things falling down, seeing things drifting thru the strong winds, can't do anything...

Please please please, God please stop the wind...

Friday, December 2, 2011


Finally I have found an article which is perfectly or 100% fully accurately describe about my character, grateful!!!


































Tuesday, November 22, 2011


今天是第二次我们三人一起用餐 :)


你说把今天的这餐厅当成你俩的午餐base place,我傻眼,每天来这儿吃饭一定吃穷我了吧!我在想,你的薪水还真高。。。

等候我的食物上桌花了半个小时,你们俩的lunch time 已经time's up 了 :(


放工了,约了朋友喝东西,她谈起了你,我告诉她,你好特别。。。她给了我一个莫名其妙的表情 :)

Monday, November 21, 2011



想起第一次,哈哈哈,看着你走进来,然后对着rate board,我走向你,对你说了第一句话:Yes Sir, how can I help you?你的反应有点紧张,然后他就出来了,原来你是他的朋友 :)

接着,有一天,我们一班女子吃饭,原本他说介绍给我认识,约了同一间餐厅,最后却分开桌子了,他说你怕羞 :)

今天,他如一般地约了你,他也约了我,机缘巧合之下,就只有我们仨在同一间餐厅里享用午餐 :)

我真忘了他约了你,当我一个人走进那餐厅,他跟你早就坐在六个人数的桌子,他坐在你的对面,而我也很顺其自然地坐在他的隔壁 :)

当我坐下时,听见了他对你说了一句:‘定D来!’我当时真想望下你的表情,但却要假装听不见 :)

原来世上还有那么怕羞的人吗?比我还要怕羞?原来真的还有喔 :)

你真的好特别,不知明天会不会有机会再一起吃饭 ;)

Thursday, September 15, 2011



Monday, September 12, 2011

2011 中秋节

I am really missing those days when I was small, playing lanterns & candles with brothers and neighborhood.... Still remember I've joined a Mid-Autumn camping in primary school when I was 10yrs old... singing 月亮圆,月亮圆,月亮照在我的家 with gestures on the stage, 营火会,灯笼比赛,猜灯谜,sleeping on the joined tables in a classroom... lot of memories, valuable memories which can't get nowadays... Those days I was so happy and enjoy of Mid-Autumn Festival coming, but nowadays all kids are like don't play lantern anymore. Even the lantern now all comes with batteries and not candles anymore, everything like going to E, E for Electronic... Probably more five years time there is no more so called lantern and candles, all can be played in a game world... Sad, sad, sad..... How I wish I could go back to 20yrs ago...

Sunday, September 4, 2011


前阵子,同事要求我学唱一首歌‘假如让你吻下去’,说下次唱K要我唱给她听,哈哈。。。刚开始听都没什么感觉,听多几次就越来越好听,也很上口,慢慢欣赏歌词,觉得挺有意思。。。可是,万万没想到直有一天,这首歌将会影射着我。。。这是一首美丽的插曲,梦幻的情景,回到现实,还是会醒来的,确实昨晚对我来说只能当作是一场美梦 ^.^





Tuesday, August 16, 2011


一首很动听的歌曲 〈 那个女人〉

Lyrics ( Pronunciation)

han yeojia ka ku dei ru sarang hamnida
ku yeojia neo yio simhi sarang hamnida
mae yin ku run jia chu rom
ku dei ru dei ruo ta nim yeo
ku yeojia neun u sumyeo ulgo isayo

ol ma na ol ma na tou na ru
yi ruo ke pa ra ma pu mio hong jia
yi pa rang ga te sarang
yi kou ji ga te sarang
kei su kei yo nea ge ma ru sarang hou ge ni ho~~

chu gu man ka ga yi wa chu gu man
hon bal ta ga ga mio tu bal tu man ga nul
nol sarang ha nu nan chi kun do yeo pe yi so
ku yeojia umnida

ku yeojia eun so geo gi so sim hamnida
ku re so eun ne pio beu beo wo damnida
chi neng chin gu ye gei do mo ta neng nei gi ga ma neng
ku yeojia ye ma nu meng nu me tu so ni

ku re so ku yeojia ne ku de
neol sarang ye de yeo dou ga ta so
du ha na ga ten pabo du ha na ga ten pa bo
han beng nalu ana chu go gamneon andeyeo ho~~
nan sarang pa go si po ku de yeo
me yi so gu ro man ka sun so gu ro man
so ri ru chi ku meo ku yeojia neun onutou
ku yeo be yi de yeo ho~~

ku yeojia ga nara nen geonanayeo
alm yeo seo do yi ru neun go nani jio
mo rel go ya ku den pabo nikka

ol ma na ol ma na tou na ru
yi ruo ke pa ra ma pu mio hong jia
yi pabo ga te sarang yi ko ji ga te sarang
kei su kei yo nea ge ma ru sarang hou ge ni ho~~

chu gu man ka ga yi wa chu gu man
hon bal ta ga ga mio tu bal tu man ga nul
nol sarang ha nu nan chi kun do yeo pe yi so
ku yeojia umnida

Friday, August 12, 2011


今晚非常早就放工了,五点多我已经到家了,好开心。同事们约我跟她们的朋友一起唱k,我很有瘾唱,但是又很懒,唯有把决定交给天吧!要是待会儿下雨,我就不去了。怎知道刚才明明天气好坏像要下一场大雨般的,突然一点雨都没有,没有借口给自己了,唯有去,反正闲着!结识了三位朋友,其中一位是男生,他的唱功真的好厉害,他的歌声简直就是迷倒我了,不怪得我的同事宁愿付钱为求只听他唱歌,我想我也会像她一样那么崇拜他的歌声!多么希望这把声音能够唱出我深爱的韩曲一次,一定很感动 ;)

Monday, July 25, 2011

MeRry gO ROuNd


唯有拍照留念了。。。不知道哪里还有旋转木马可以让大人坐的呢?让我想起韩国的LOTTE WORLD主题公园,真想下一次有人会带我去那边坐那漂亮的旋转木马 ^.^

Sunday, July 17, 2011

没那么简单, 就能找到聊得来的伴, 尤其是在看过了那么多的背叛, 总是不安, 只好强悍,谁谋杀了我的浪漫?

没那么简单, 就能去爱别的全不看, 变得实际也许好也许坏各一半, 不爱孤单一久也习惯, 不用担心谁也不用被谁管.

感觉快乐就忙东忙西, 感觉累了就放空自己, 别人说的话随便听一听, 自己作决定, 不想拥有太多情绪, 一杯红酒配电影, 在周末晚上关上了手机, 舒服窝在沙发里.

相爱没有那么容易, 每个人有他的脾气, 过了爱作梦的年纪, 轰轰烈烈不如平静.

幸福没有那么容易, 才会特别让人着迷, 什么都不懂的年纪, 曾经最掏心, 所以最开心曾经.

想念最伤心, 但却最动心的记忆.


Tonight can't fall asleep, it's already 1 am but then I still feel like very JIngSan, what's wrong with me?

Tonight is Saturday night, so many Saturdays that I have no chance to stay at home, so long that I have no free time to touch my blog, I guess my blog is dusty...

Tonight chat with quite a number of people, which I first time to chat with, HK girl, primary school classmate, chat chat and chat...

Tonight full of thinking, thinking of nothing, no object no subject, but just thinking...

Suddenly this song played, listen to the lyrics, quite like describing what and who I am right now...

It is not easy, many of cases that I've seen, always the same, almost all the guys are the same, they are betrayers, they like to be, they like excitement, they like fresh...

I used to worry about my loneliness, but I confronted it, and now I used to it, I like to be alone, I guess so?! Or may I know am I enjoy to be alone?!

I think I'm getting older, in terms of age and mindset, gosh, not too mature not mature, always telling myself, be young and stay young, or else I'm gonna find an old guy to marry...

Almost 2am... still not sleepy... but it's time to sleep my dear Carmen Lee, please take good care of myself okay?!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


刚刚看完了<单身男女>,很不错的一部爱情单剧,杜琪峰执导的爱情作品,我本身非常喜欢,尤记得<孤男寡女>,<瘦身男女>,很巧合的, 每一部戏都离不开男女这两个字,办公室恋情这点子还真的棒,太令我遐想了。<单身男女>是讲述一个女人与两个男人的三角关系,这女人爱的男人是个浪漫,有点大男人主意,却又不太专一与专心的人,而另一个爱她的男人,是个细心,聆听者,冷静,非常专情,却又有点缺乏浪漫与刺激的人。戏中提到“十個男人九個滾,剩翻一個仲捻緊,女主角要的是第十一个”。滚的男人叫作“地球人”,不滚的男人就叫作“火星人”,也被称为“第十一个男人或十一郎”,难到这世界上真的没有十一郎吗?!换做我是那女主角,我会像她一样,选择了吴彦祖,选择了一个专一,冷静,聆听,踏实可靠,细心和爱我多过我爱他的男人,也不去选一个我非常爱的男人,虽然有悔意,却伤得我最深,又曾经犯错也花心的人。在我心里,我依然相信十一郎的存在,就算这机会是多么的渺茫,我还是相信的,谢谢这部电影,让我有感而发,让我怀有这一个信念!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Last Day House Keeping Before CNY 2011

This month consider a very busy month, Ooops, I totally forgot that today is already 1st March, still thought in FEB... Almost a month i never update my blog, a lot of things wanna share with you all, let's start bit by bit from FEB...

In FEB, I did my house keeping for CNY coming and I found out that I have kept many letters and cards in my wardrobe, letter thickness is around 5cm ( not in the photo) ... Wonder why it kepts in my wardrobe? Just because it is a nice place to hide it (many secrecy in those letters and no one read before except me and the writer ). About the cards, some of it were bday cards, some were season wishing cards and some were valentines cards ( SAD to read the contents )...

This is the most special and meaningful card ever that I have received , recycle concept and hand made by one of my Malay colleague when I was 21 yr old birthday, it hangs each of my colleague wishing sentence including my Ex-boss, A Big Key for me...

Then, I found out my 纪念册 when I made it in standard 6, omg, I have a lot friends during that time, but some of them I can't recall at all... too bad me! My childhood dream was getting rich, wuahahhah, how cute and reality I was... And my dream occupation was become an Astronaut, because I like stars and astronomy, until now I am still a very STARS & CLOUDS person, sometimes I can actually staring on the sky and start to imagine the looks of clouds, changing and changing, full of imagination... Imagine how good if now I am lying on a borderless fresh green grass in a cloudy day, close my eyes, clear up my complicated mindset, start a deep breath, open eyes and start imagine the shape of clouds to become a furry sheep, a smiling bear or maybe a flying bird...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Birthday To Myself : Carmen Lee

Today 4th FEB 2011, is my birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!!! First year celebration with single status is a bit weird, a bit mm zap guan, wondering how was I celebrate my birthday when I was in 16 years old!? Can't remember at all lol... But I am really lucky u know?! Because I have a gang of best friends, a gang... They celebrated with me when we had our cny gathering on 1st FEB 2011, i was so surprise, I thought that I will only have their wishes on 4th FEB, or might be not, because my birthday always make people easily to forget, cuz it is always fall on cny or near to cny which everybody is in busy mode. 
I was surprise that they make the small celebration which I was very satisfied...2pcs ice-cream cakes, it's good enough! And also come with a bday gift, which I chose for myself but I do not know at all at first... Thanks for 'cheating' me, cuz I am really like the gift that I chose for myself...

The watch actually I have planned to buy by my own one day and exactly the same brand same pattern, cuz I have did survey several weeks before at my place... And now I finally get what I want, I am so happy! Happy to have such an expensive gift, happy that you all celebrate with me, happy that you all still stay beside me!!! Love u all!!!

That night really drink a lot! This was the first time I drunk, drunk until I non-stop laughing, sit on the floor in the mall and laughing there, crazily laughing and sadly crying in the car. When the happy emotion goes into my mind, I laugh out loud, when the sad emotion goes into my mind, and i cry it out, laugh cry laugh then cry, totally out of my control, emotion control my feeling my expression... This is called drunk,now I know it! Worst thing was that night I vomit deadly. I started to cry while I vomit, but this times I cry for suffering of vomit, at that moment, I just wish that I could stop vomiting, no more vomit, please... it's gonna kills me...
I was drunk but I still awake, just I cant remember the details... But I know the gals team really tAke very good care of me, 'perfectly' is the only word that I can described them. Thanks for those who helped to clean up the shit things. Thanks for those who helped to carry me to the wash room, to the sofa and to the bed. Thanks for those who helped to took out my necklace, earing and watches. Thanks for lending me a bed to rest. I promised myself, this is the first time I get drunk and will be the last time I drunk, never will be happen again, never and ever! I don't wanna suffering anymore, I love myself so I must know to take care of myself too! 
P/S : Liquor can lend a person happiness and release out without his concern, the feeling is really high, but after released, the suffering mode will automatically ON, all the temporary happiness and feeling of high, everything will then still vomit out and return it back to the world because all these are unreal. Stay happy and stay real in the world, love ourself before we love somebody else. 
Love You

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Very First Bday Gift By Myself

Last Sunday, I have bought an Iphone 4 as my birthday gift, hahhaa, quite an expensive gift after all... but I feel so happy...

Do you see how GREAT and MIRACLE it was happenned to me?

I've been searching it at so many places, stores... Most of the sales staff telling the same answer 'no stock', 'wait next week',' don't know when got stock'... Really tired of the same answer given...If you never got it in the early morning of Sunday, I am pretty sure I wouldn't ask you to accompany me, drive along the road just to search for it. If you choose to bought the accessories in the first Mac Studio, we wouldn't have chance to go in to the second Mac Studio. Instead, the first Mac Studio has variety choices of accessories but you said you do not know how to choose it, so you choose to left. Until we reached the second Mac Studio, thing's happened! Everything is just like Destiny, nothing that we can control, nothing that we can expect, if you deserve it, you will have it in anyway, if you aren't, you will lose it in one day even if you get it today!

Happy Reading!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Heart Lock


Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Small Prim-School Mate Gathering

Yesterday, 08/01/2011 Saturday night, we had a small gathering among 5 of us at Deutsches Gasthaus 5 at Menjalara Kepong. Many people do not know how to pronouns Deustches, the correct pronouns should be 'Door ches'. A German, he is my customer, and he is friendly, I've learned the pronunciation from him during the final world cup 2010, lol~~~

Although it was only 5 ppl attended this event, but i think this good enough, cuz sometimes too many people attend an event very hard to get to know each other very well... And this times, we chat among 5 of us, I can say there was non-stop of chatting, wide topic, that was really interesting...

From 830pm till almost 1am, 4hrs plus sit and chat over there, sharing opinions, telling true story, planning incoming activities... At last I feel my eyes tired, start yawning... This session ended with happily... Thanks to Wai Chuin, willing to fetch me go and back... Hope we will have more activities coming soon~~~ Take care everybody!